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Treatments and Services

This is one of many proven treatments that we frequently use to help our patients become pregnant.

As our patient, your team of fertility specialists will be there for you every step of the way to thoroughly explain the details of your treatment plan.  We will happily answer any further questions that you have about IUI. Come visit us.



In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is used to treat infertility in couples. It involves extracting a woman's eggs, fertilizing the eggs in the laboratory with sperm, and then transferring the resulting embryo(s) into the woman's uterus through the cervix (embryo transfer) where it can develop.





Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or ICSI, is a fertilization procedure used during IVF; with this option, a single sperm is injected into an egg.  ICSI is performed under a microscope, using some of the most advanced micromanipulation devices available. Because the sperm is injected directly into the egg, the ICSI fertilization process has a much higher likelihood of being successful. 




The ability of the embryo to ‘hatch’ from its protective shell is a crucial step in enabling it to implant in the uterus. Today's technology  allows us to help the hatching process when necessary.   






Whenever IVF or ICSI is performed, embryos may be cultured for either one to five days (“blastocyst” stage) , before transferring back into the womb. For this to be possible “sequential” culture media  is used. At CARE, we fly in our culture media  in small batches to ensure quality and freshness. 






A testicular biopsy takes a tissue sample from your testicle for laboratory analysis.





Our Laboratories are staffed with highly trained professionals who maintain the highest level of quality assurance. Philippine Center for Assisted Reproduction takes great pride in caring for you and your eggs, embryos, and sperm samples






Female and male causes for infertility are about equally common, it is important to test the male as well the female. The first step is to perform a semen analysis in which the andrologist will examine the sperm under the microscope, paying particularly close attention to: volume, count (millions of sperm per ml), motility (percentage of sperm swimming)  and morphology (percentage of sperm normally shaped)



Embryologist Adding Sperm to Egg
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